He finds 127 bitcoins by accident and becomes rich: he tells about this moment that changed his life!

12. Januar 2021 Aus Von admin

Santa brings him bitcoins – Here’s a fabulous new Christmas story, but in crypto sauce this time. While spending a few days with his family for the holiday season, this very precocious Bitcoin (BTC) user has regained access to a real crypto-fortune.

The endless problem of lost private keys

Under the pseudonym „BitcoinHolderThankU“ , an early Crypto Cash connoisseur posted on Reddit his fantastic (re) discovery of his long-buried BTCs .

He explains that it all started around the years 2011-2012 : while playing a video game called „Dark Orbit“ with his friends, our student discovered that he could provide himself with „Uridium“ (the currency of the game in question) thanks to a strange new digital currency called Bitcoin .

He would then have managed to accumulate the (now fantastic) sum of 127 bitcoins , simply by „completing surveys, watching videos“ and other small random tasks on the Internet!

To use his expression “holy fcking sht” (which we will politely translate as “thank God”), he never finally used these BTC to buy the video game Uridium. But these bitcoins had nevertheless fallen into oblivion , for 8 to 9 years, until …

He becomes a multi-millionaire overnight

Our young man had gone to spend a week with his grandfather for the Christmas holidays . It was then that, on December 22, 2020 , he found his old Dell branded computer in the attic.

Upon lighting this relic of the past, he discovers a text file simply called “Keys” . As you can imagine, these were in fact the private keys that give access and control to his old Bitcoin wallet !

Barely his 127 BTC found, the young man could not withstand such pressure and quickly sold everything . It has indeed found a platform that practiced the trade bitcoins OTC ( Over-The-Counter or OTC ), which has agreed to take back all of his treasure against „0.15% commission ” .

“(..) I ended up selling the 127 bitcoins for a price of $ 33,439 per BTC (…) The net amount [of the sale] was around $ 4.24 million”.

However, in a column entitled „What I would have done differently“ , he explains that with a little more hindsight and coolness :

„I would not have sold the 127 bitcoins, if I had been given a second chance (…) I would have sold a good part of them, but I would have kept a handful for years to come“ .

Indeed, even not to mention reselling the highest of nearly $ 42,000 that Bitcoin has offered us in recent days, it could easily have put $ 1 million more in its purse.